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North America

The asylum approval rate for gender-diverse applicants is relatively high in North American countries, but the challenge lies in entering the country.


According to the Canada–United States Safe Third Country Agreement, if you enter the United States without applying for political asylum, you will not be able to apply for political asylum in Canada. The latest revision on March 24, 2023, makes it extremely difficult, almost impossible, to apply for political asylum in Canada from the United States.

Canada's visa review process is very strict, and the visa approval rate is low. However, once you successfully enter the country, you can stay through the appropriate procedures. It is almost impossible to enter Canada without a visa.

Relevant Documents

Refugee claims - Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada

Refugee Hearing Preparation Guide for Refugee Claimants in the Greater Toronto Area, Ontario

UNHCR Guidelines on International Protection No. 9: Claims to Refugee Status based on Sexual Orientation and/or Gender Identity

Brief Summary

To apply for asylum, you need to meet the following conditions:

  1. Manage to reach Canada (preferably via transit rather than direct flight).
  2. Provide proof of gender identity, such as hospital diagnosis, medical records, examination reports for medications, HRT physical examination reports, etc.
  3. Provide evidence of persecution, such as domestic violence, school discrimination, etc. (evidence of being sent to an internet addiction school by parents to change your gender identity, chat records of parents treating you violently because of your gender identity, guarantee letters from schools requiring you to change gender expression, materials on workplace discrimination, etc.)
  4. Independent action ability, able to withstand some pressure during the asylum-seeking process. It is not recommended to fly directly to Canada; keep the possibility of seeking asylum in Europe. Ensure that you always state the facts and do not forge content.

Please note: If you need to transit through a European country, the Netherlands or Sweden is most recommended. Avoid transiting through countries you might not want to go to (Dublin Regulation). If you have a same-sex or opposite-sex partner (must be genuine, cohabiting for at least one year), you can apply for asylum together. Transgender people in Canada should pay attention to this matter and provide help to applicants, but do not persuade others to make decisions. Please share this message to let more people know about this information.



If you work illegally in the United States, you might work more than ten hours a day, possibly with one day off per week or two to three days off per month. The monthly salary is around 3k USD, with food and accommodation included.

Tourist Entry

Transgender individuals with poor family relationships can apply for a passport between the ages of 16 and 21, travel to a developed country, and then apply for a US tourist visa. After landing in a blue state, destroy the passport to become undocumented immigrants.

Community College

Just like community colleges became a way to apply for a passport during the pandemic, because community colleges are very easy to get into. As long as you provide some simple information, you can become a student. However, it is very difficult to get a visa. So if you can leave China in this way, you can use many of the methods mentioned above, such as asylum, to stay in the United States.